What Happens After Death?

What Happens After Death?

Is there life after death? What really happens when we die?

Is death the end of human existence and consciousness, or do we continue in some other place or state of being? Do we go to a place of everlasting reward or eternal torment? Are we destined to be reincarnated, coming to life again in a different body in a seemingly endless cycle of living and dying? Will we ever see deceased loved ones again?

Is there somewhere you can go to find the answers to these questions?  

The Bible tells us exactly what happens after death.

It tells us what happens to those who have done right (will they go to heaven?) and wrong (or be tormented in an ever-burning hell?) and reveals the fate of the billions of people who have never known God and His way of life.  Most churches claim to teach what the Bible says—but what does it really reveal? 

You need to discover the answers yourself inside this Bible Study aid, What Happens After Death?. You'll be shocked when you find out what the Bible really teaches!

Request your FREE copy today!

...those who have died are unconscious, as if they are sleeping a dreamless sleep, awaiting their time to be called out of the grave and resurrected to a new life (p. 18-19).

Many people, however, believe in a perpetual, ever-burning hellfire or a condition of spiritual torment in which evil people are tortured throughout eternity. But the Bible’s simple teaching conveys nothing like this (p. 42).

Understanding the meaning of life, death and what follows this physical life can give priceless comfort and hope in the face of death. It should also have a great impact on the kind of person you are, motivating you to live carefully and make wise choices (p. 55).