FUERA FARC DE TWITTER por Narcoterroristas Close FARC Twitter accounts

FUERA FARC DE TWITTER por Narcoterroristas Close FARC Twitter accounts

24 de febrero de 2016
Petición para
Twitter, Inc y
Petición Cerrada
Esta petición conseguió 824 firmas

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 After 2 weeks Change.org Unblocked this petition.Twitter is donoor of Change.org and exist with this a interests conflict.

English translation and @twitter Board members Above TWEET theme.
Nombres y @twitter profiles miembros J Directiva Twitter
LINKS sobre terroristas y Cuentas Twitter de miembros de las FARC abajo 


Twitter cerró en días pasados 250.000 cuentas vinculadas al terrorismo incluídas las del ELN Ejército de Liberación Nacional. Es injusto que las de las FARC continúen activas. Twitter respetando la designación de muchas organizaciones, Naciones que los declara como Terroristas está obligado a cerrarlas.
El representante de Twitter en Colombia Diego Santos es PRIMO del presidente Juan Manuel Santos lo que constituye un tráfico de influencias en la decisión de no cerrarlas.
Los firmantes exigimos respetuosamente a los miembros de la Junta Directiva de Twitter y sus directores cerrar los perfiles de la organización narcoterrorista FARC y las de sus miembros y cabecillas. Los instamos a oponerse a cualquier tipo de apoyo de comunicación a esa organización y a respaldar, por el contrario, al pueblo de Colombia FARC se consolidan como la organización terrorista más rica del planeta con tentáculos que ocultan sus bienes y fondos, y que contrario a la lógica no quieren ni pedir perdón ni indemnizara sus víctimas alegando que no poseen dinero.
El apoyo de Twitter a la organización Narcoterrorista FARC servirá para condenar a los colombianos a vivir en un narco-Estado fallido. Ayudará a consolidar a los terroristas que han atacado muchas compañías estadounidenses, que han secuestrado y asesinado varios ciudadanos de Estados Unidos por catalogarlos de “objetivo militar”, Inundado con cocaína y heroína, desde hace décadas, el mercado mundial y han dejado cientos de miles de personas adictas a las drogas alimentando los carteles alrededor del planeta y con conexiones que abarcan Hezzbollah, Alquaeda, Eta España, Mexico y CentroAmérica, Irán, Korea del Norte, con un solo objetivo: instaurar una Narco-Democracia en el paraíso Colombiano, devastando su riqueza natural con la minería Ilegal de Oro Cóltan y Uranio, convirtiendo nuestros ríos en cloacas de Mercurio y Cianuro por esta práctica. Derramando millones de Barriles de Petróleo en nuestras fuentes hídricas con los atentados dinamiteros a la infraestructura petrolera, es decir consolidándose como la organización más devastadora del Patrimonio Natural de la Humanidad en el lugar más Biodiverso del Planeta llamado Colombia.
Acaso a Twitter no le importa el medio ambiente y su conservación? Acaso a Twitter le interesa promover el negocio de las drogas?
De los 2 600 secuestrados que permanecen cautivos en Jaulas en la Selva en poder de las FARC, ninguna ha sido liberado gracias a las negociaciones de Paz. Las FARC todavía mantienen en sus campos cerca de 2.000 niños como esclavos sexuales y como combatientes, no ha liberado uno solo de ellos y sigue reclutando niños por la fuerza, cuyas edades promedio es de 12 años, según la UNICEF, aumentando a 17.000 o más el número de menores de edad reclutado en el correr de estos años de violencia. Es entonces indiferente Twitter ante el Secuestro y la esclavitud infantil y el desplazamiento?

Nosotros los Colombianos no queremos ser gobernados por una banda Narco-terrorista con financiación de droga, que no ha tenido la estatura política ni algún gesto de verdad, arrepentimiento, contrición, enmienda o reparación. En Colombia con las FARC se está gestando algo devastador para la estabilidad de toda América. 
No podemos olvidar las innumerables y terribles actuaciones como las masacres, los niños bomba, los caballos bomba, el cadáver bomba, el collar bomba, noticias que en repetidas oportunidades ocuparon las primeras planas de diarios de todo el planeta. Acaso Twitter está en contra de los Derechos Humanos?
El apoyo de comunicación de ustedes a las FARC, ha colocado a esta organización a la altura de todas las personas de bien que conformamos esta red maravillosa llamada Twitter. Es una traición a las personas que han luchado junto a los EE.UU y el resto del mundo contra el tráfico de drogas y contra el terrorismo, y contraria a la política declarada en días pasados de cerrar las cuentas relacionadas con terrorismo. Respetuosamente exigimos a ustedes cerrar los perfiles del grupo Narcoterrorista FARC @FARC_COLOMBIA y de sus cabecillas e integrantes que enseguida nombramos. Y que sean ellos quienes las reabran en el momento que demuestren con hechos, y verdades su deseo de hacer la paz pero antes NO, respetando lo que los Estados Unidos, La comunidad Económica Europea y todas las naciones del Orbe han dictaminado: Las FARC son una Organización Criminal Narcoterrorista con órdenes de captura en todo el planeta.


Twitter has recently closed 250,000 accounts linked to terrorism including the ELN National Liberation Army It is unfair that the FARC accounts continue active . Twitter must respect the designation of many organizations, Nations that have declared them as terrorists, and is bound to close their accounts.
Diego Santos,Twitter representative in Colombia, is cousin in second degree of consanguinity of President Juan Manuel Santos, which is an influence-peddling in the decision of not closing them.
The undersigners respectfully demand that the members of the Board of Twitter and Directors, close FARC narco-terrorist organization profiles and its members and leaders.
We urge you to oppose to any kind of communication support to the organization and to support, on the contrary, the people of Colombia Colombians FARC terrorist is the richest terrorist organization in the planet with tentacles that hide their assets and funds; and contrary to logic do not want to apologize nor compensate their victims by claiming they dont have money. Twitter support to the FARC narco-terrorist organization will serve to condemn Colombians to live in a failed narco-state. It will help strengthen the terrorists who have attacked many US companies, that have kidnapped and killed several US citizens for cataloging them "military objectives". They've flooded with cocaine and heroin, for decades, the US market and have left hundreds of thousands of people addicted to drugs which have fed its cartels around the planet and made connections spanning Hezzbollah, Alquaeda, Eta Spain, Mexico and Central America, Iran, North Korea, with one goal: to establish a Narco-Democracy in the Colombian paradise, devastating its natural wealth by illegally mining Coltan and gold, turning our rivers into sewers of mercury and cyanide by this practice. Spilling millions of barrels of oil in our water sources with the bombing of the oil infrastructure, that is, establishing itself as the most devastating organization of our system beating hundreds to the damage caused by BP and Exon Valdez ending with the Natural Heritage of Humanity in the most biodiversed place of the planet called Colombia. Doesn't Twitter care about the environment and conservation? Is Twitter ?interested in the protection of drug business?
Of the 2,600 hostages held captive in cages in the jungle held by the FARC, none has been released thanks to the peace negotiations. The FARC still hold in their fields about 2,000 children as sex slaves and combatants; it has not released a single one of them and continues to recruit children by force, whose average age is 12 years, according to UNICEF, rising to 17,000 or more the number of children recruited in the course of these years of violence. Is Twitter indifferent to the kidnapping, child slavery and displacement?
FARC is brewing devastating the stability in America. We cant forgetting innumerable performances as terrible massacres, bomb children and horses , the boom dead body, the bomb collar. These news have repeatedly occupied the front pages of newspapers around the world. Is Twitter ?against human rights? Your Communication support to FARC has placed this organization up to all good people who make up this wonderful network called Twitter . It is a betrayal for those who have fought alongside the US and other countries against drug trafficking and terrorism, and contrary to the recently declaration of closing the accounts related to terrorism policy.
We respectfully demand that you close FARC? FARC_COLOMBIA narco-terrorist group profiles and its leaders and members immediately listed . And to let them to reopen their accounts when they demonstrate with facts and truths their desire to make peace but not before, respecting what the United States, the European Economic Community and all the nations of the world have ruled: The FARC is a ?narco-terrorist organization which has criminal arrest warrants worldwide.



Foreign Terrorist Organization FARC

Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) 10/8/1997 (Read more)

The US National Counterterrorism Center

Revolutionary Army of Colombia FARC

FARC tactics include bombings, murder, mortar attacks, kidnapping, extortion, and hijacking, as well as guerrilla and conventional military action against Colombian political, military, and economic targets. The FARC has well-documented ties to a range of drug trafficking activities including taxation, cultivation, and distributi (Read More)



Pres Board of Twitter Omid Kordestani @omidkordestani

David Rosenblatt @rosenblattdavid (Board of Twitter)

Robert Kaiden @robert_kaiden (Chief Acc. Off at Twitter)

Peter Currie @plscurrie (Board of Twitter)

Marjorie Scardino @marjscar (Board of Twitter

Ejecutive Director Jack Dorsey @CreatorOfTwitt

Vpdnt Global Com. Katie Jacobs Stanton @KatieS

Peter Fenton @peterfenton (Board of Twitter)

Peter Chernin @PeterChernin (Board of Twitter)

Operations Director Adam Bain @adambain





Iván Márquez  @IvanMarquezFARC

Timoleón Jiménez @Timochenko_FARC

ManuelB_FARC @ManuelB_FARC

Ricardo Téllez   @Ricardo_TFARC

Mujeres de las Farc @MujerFariana


@MilenaR _FARC @FARC_MilenaR

Sarah Luna Nariño  @Sarah_FARC

Pastor Alape @AlapePastorFARC

Jesús Santrich   @SantrichFARC

Alexandra Nariño   @Tanja_FARC

Diálogos Paz FARC @FARC_EPaz

@MatiasA_FARC  @MatiasA_FARC

Jesús Santrich  @JSantrich_FARC

FARC-EP Resistencia @resistenciacol


Boris Guevara   @BorisG_FARC

Yadira Suarez                  @Yadira_FARC

Verdades De Las Farc   @LaVerdadDeFARC

Julián Subverso            @Subverso_FARC


@MatiasA_FARC @MatiasA_FARC

Pablo Catatumbo @PCatatumbo_FARC

lasfarc colombia   @LasFarcInc

FARC EP                @farcEp27

FARC-EP in English  @FARC_EPeace

Carmenza Castillo   @Carmen_FARC

Gabriel Ángel   @GabAngel_FARC

Patricia Mendoza @Patricia_FARC

Olga Arenas  @Olga_FARC

Viviana Hernández   @Viviana_FARC  

Fidel Rondón  @fidelrondonEP

Gabriel Ángel  @GabAngel_FARC             

Samy Florez_FARC@Samy_FARC

wendy arango @wendya_FARC

Ivonne Rivera León @Ivonne_FARC

Raúl Urrego  @Raul_UrregoFARC

Olga Arenas  @Olga_FARC

apoyamos la farc @1964farc2014

Viviana Hernández  @Viviana_FARC

apoyamos la farc  @1964farc2014




Foreign Terrorist Organizations ?FARC

Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) (Read More)

The US National Counterterrorism Center

Revolutionary Armes of Colombia FARC?

FARC tactics include bombings, murder, mortar attacks, kidnapping, extortion, and hijacking, as well as guerrilla and conventional military action against Colombian political, military, and economic targets. The FARC has well-documented ties to a range of drug trafficking activities including taxation, cultivation, and distrib (Read More)



The ?Agreement on Victims of the Conflict? between the?Colombian government?and Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC-EP) guerrillas will ensure that those responsible for atrocities on both sides of the conflict escape meaningful punishment, Human Rights Watch said today in an?analysis?of the 63-page agreeme (Read More)

Why Obama should press Colombia on justice

In fact, this deal surrenders justice, and with it the likelihood of achieving a lasting peace.The guerrillas have killed, abducted and disappeared civilians, used child soldiers, forcibly displaced families, and subjected captured combatants to cruel and inhuman treatm (Read More)


Trafficking in Terror

How closely entwined are the drug trade and global terrorism?


Mohamed, a Lebanese radical, in the lobby. Mohamed took them up to a hotel room to see David, a drug trafficker and a member of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC. “Hola, Colombiano,” Touré said, as he entered the room. (ReadMore)


FARC South American drug gangs funding al-Qaeda terrorists

South American drugs gangs are providing millions of pounds of funding for al-Qaeda terrorists by paying them to ensure the safe passage of cocaine across north Africa and towards Europ (Read More)


The New Nexus of Narcoterrorism: Hezbollah Venezuela and FARC

Besides its sponsored terrorist groups, Iran also has a growing direct influence in Latin America, spurred by three principal motivations: 1) a quest for uranium, 2) a quest for gasoline, 3) a quest for a base of operations that is close to the US territory, in order to position itself to resist diplomatic and possible military pressure, possibly by setting up a missile base within striking distance of the mainland US, as the Soviets did in the Cuban Missile Crisis. FARC, Hezbollah and Al Qaeda all have training camps, recruiting bases an (Read More)

InSight Crime Investigation and Analysis of Organizad Crime

Terrorist Groups in Latin America: The Changing Landscape

Yet the FARC, despite engaging in ongoing peace talks with the government of President Juan Manuel Santos, remains at the center of a multitude of criminal enterprises and terrorist activities that stretch from Colombia south to Argentina, and northward to Central America and into direct ties to the Mexican drug cartels, primarily the Sinaloa organization. It is involved in the massive laundering of drug money, and recent cases by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) have shown the direct and growing criminal drug ties of the FARC and Hezbollah...(Read More)

Latin America Terrorism Issues Cogressional Research Services

with Iran, and the involvement of senior Venezuelan officials in

supporting the drug and weapons trafficking activities of the FARC,,(Read More)

Colombia Captures 'Coltan Czar' Linked to FARC

Authorities in Colombia have captured a key operative who facilitated the sale of coltan and uranium for the FARC and ELN guerrilla groups, in a case highlighting the role corrupt officials play in the lucrative illegal ...(Read More).

Can 'Peace Colombia' Contain Booming Drug Trade?

The Obama administration has outlined a solid strategy that addresses some of the most pressing security challenges facing Colombia in a post-conflict environment. However, the country's fluid criminal dynamics could make implementa (Read More)


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