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  2. Vim-ruby is a mature project, which is one way of saying it moves slowly and it can be a bit difficult to modify. It's far from impossible, but be warned that issues and PRs may take time to be handled.

  3. I wrote it because the original vim-ruby is known for having many accuracy and performance issues related to syntax highlighting and indentation. After perusing the code for the original plugin, I decided that a complete rewrite was necessary. In addition to regular Ruby files, this plugin also supports editing ERB and HAML files. If you want ...

  4. Beginners guide to setting up vim for ruby development

    filetype plugin on " Enable filetype-specific plugins. Save the file and exit vim. Now open any ruby file to confirm that syntax highlighting has been enabled. For linting, I use w0rp/ale in vim ...

  5. vim-ruby - Vim Awesome

    Vim-ruby is a mature project, which is one way of saying it moves slowly and it can be a bit difficult to modify. It's far from impossible, but be warned that issues and PRs may take time to be handled.

  6. Vim for Ruby and Rails in 2019 | Vim From Scratch

    The are several reasons for that but most important (to me at least) is the ability to customize Vim, make it very powerful and at the same time keep it pretty lightweight. So let's have a look at what it takes to set up Vim for a comfortable and productive workflow with Ruby And Ruby On Rails framework.

  7. Ruby support in vim - Stack Overflow

    assuming you're looking for ruby syntax highlight, it should be available in vim (at least any recent version). Use :setf ruby to mark the current buffer as a ruby file. If you want code completion, use Ctrl-x Ctrl-o .

  8. Use Vim as a Ruby IDE | SpaceVim

    For more info, you can read the lang#ruby layer documentation. Code completion. lang#ruby layer will load the Ruby plugin automatically, unless it’s overriden in your init.toml. The completion menu will be opened as you type. Solargraph. If you want to use solargraph for a more advance code completion, you can do it through coc.

  9. Vim-Ruby · GitHub

    vim-ruby Public. Vim/Ruby Configuration Files. Vim Script 1,975 293 57 4 Updated on Oct 25, 2023.