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  2. GitHub - adelarsq/vim-matchit: vim-matchit

    This plugin provides extended matching for the % operator.. This repository maintain the last version from the matchit.vim plugin from the official Vim repository, allowing to use with plugin managers.

  3. This time I am going to introduce you to a plugin called "matchit.vim". If you are intrigued by this topic, I suggest that you subscribe to my posts ! For the introduction and first post in this article series, follow this link - Vim Plugins You Should Know About, Part I: surround.vim .

  4. - extended % matching for HTML, LaTeX, and many ...

    this will put matchit.vim in your plugin/ directory and put matchit.txt into your doc/ directory. Then do :helptags ~/.vim/doc to rebuild the tags file. For details, read :help add-local-help Make sure you have a line like :filetype plugin on in your vimrc file. This enables filetype plugins, many of which tell matchit.vim which matching pairs ...

  5. For vim, matchit.vim should not be loaded. If it is loaded, it should be loaded after match-up (in this case, matchit.vim will be disabled). Note that some plugins, such as vim-sensible, load matchit.vim so these should also be initialized after match-up. For neovim, matchit.vim is loaded by default.

  6. Vim: matchit.txt

    To use the matchit plugin after Vim has started, execute this command: packadd matchit (Earlier versions of the script did nothing unless a buffer-variable named b:match_words was defined. Even earlier versions contained autocommands that set this variable for various file types.

  7. (I no longer keep track, so there may be others.) The documentation (included in the zip file) explains how to configure the script for a new language and how to modify the defaults. Since vim 6.0, matchit.vim has been included in the standard vim distribution, under the macros/ directory; the version here may be more recent.

  8. Update 2017-12-04: I've updated the answer by @Tommy A below to account for poorly specified matchit.vim groups, and other situations where the % operator does not return the cursor to the original position, ever. Check out the differences in the "while" loop.

  9. matchit - Vim Awesome

    Since vim 6.0, matchit.vim has been included in the standard vim distribution, under the macros/ directory; the version here may be more recent. Vim Awesome is a directory of Vim plugins sourced from GitHub,, and user submissions. Plugin usage data is extracted from dotfiles repos on GitHub. Created by David Hu, Sophie Alpert, and Emily ...